Development 40
Another nice new feature of OTRS 6 is the drag & drop multi-file upload. In older OTRS versions you only had the possibility to upload files one after another. This was inconvenient if you had to upload many files. As…
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Another nice improvement for our GenericInterface in OTRS 6 is the introduction of the error handling module for the GenericInterface. This new module allows you to specify what should happen if a web service request to another system fails. As…
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Today I want to show you one of the latest improvements for the GenericInterface of OTRS 6. You may know the old XSLT-Editor of OTRS 5s, which was not useful because syntax highlighting and other functionalities where missing: In OTRS…
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If you are (for any reason) watching the OTRS repository on GitHub, you may have noticed a lot of commits last year on master, which were commented with something like "JavaScript refactoring". In case you were wondering what that was…
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When we were planning the new system configuration (which will be topic of some upcoming blog posts), we came across a problem which has been part of the OTRS frontend since the very beginnings: whenever we wanted to implement some dynamic…
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This is the first article in a series about smaller and bigger features of the major version, OTRS 6. We'll start with a nice contribution by Renée Bäcker. He added the possibility to define default headers for outgoing emails, which…
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Did you know that there is extensive documentation available on OTRS, including Perl and JavaScript API docs? The Perl API documentation has seen some improvements recently, including Improved table of contents Syntax highlighting for Perl code snippets Function source code…
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In the past, contributing to OTRS translations was not very easy. One needed to know where to find the correct files (in the correct branch/version) to translate for OTRS or the various modules. The files needed to be sent to a…
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Since we moved to github in February, the community response so far has been very good. Today I merged pull request #77! Several nice community contributed features found their way into OTRS 3.3, such as multiple backends support for CustomerCompany. Last…
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UPDATE: Please note that since OTRS 4, translations are managed exclusively via transifex. As you may know, the admin manual of OTRS can be translated. We currently have the English source version online at There are also German and Russian versions, but…
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