Use cases 42
Let's continue with our AlfrescoConnector. Last time I showed you how to manage sites and folders in Alfresco. Today I will show you how to create files and additional users and how to modify them. To complete this how-to, you…
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Because I need a new challenge every month, I thought about an integration between OTRS and Alfresco to store documents, which are sent to customers via OTRS, also in Alfresco. I call this integration AlfrescoConnector. Because this integration will become…
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Last time I had a requirement of a customer, who wanted to connect OTRS with the GitHub account of his company. I think this might also be an interesting use case for you. In this small blog article you can…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 5s, you have the possibility to connect OTRS with GitLab. The following article will explain how to configure the GitLabConnector to establish a connection between OTRS and GitLab. To complete this Howto, you need a…
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The Security Toolbox in OTRS allows to decrypt tickets in the backend and to sign and encrypt the notifications. Based on an already running PGP setup in the OTRS installation the following steps are needed: verify that the web server…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 6, you have the possibility to connect OTRS with ServiceNow. The following article will explain how to configure the SNOWConnector to establish a connection between OTRS and ServiceNow. To complete this HowTo, you need a…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 6 you have the possibility to connect OTRS with the internal CMDB e.g.: if you have a process in OTRS where something is ordered and should be transmitted to the OTRS CMDB afterward. The following…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 5s, you have the possibility to connect OTRS with Zendesk. The following article will explain how to configure the ZendeskConnector to establish a connection between OTRS and Zendesk. To complete this Howto, you need a…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 5s, you have the possibility to connect OTRS with Redmine. The following article will explain how to configure the RedmineConnector to establish a connection between OTRS and Redmine. To complete this Howto, you need a…
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With the OTRS Business Solution™ 5s you have the possibility to create, acknowledge and resolve incidents in PagerDuty. The following article will explain how to configure the PagerDutyConnector to establish a connection between OTRS and PagerDuty. To complete this Howto…
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